Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Main Aspects Of The Supreme Court Operating In The USA Essay

Main Aspects Of The Supreme Court Operating In The USA - Essay Example The outcome of the case was the court vacated the state court's decision and remanded the case for further proceedings. Holding: Yes. It was appropriate for the Court to use the perception of the local public as the basis for judging whether the brochures were obscene or not since they were the ones who received the pictures and filed a complaint against it for they believe it was unnecessary and uncalled for since they did not request for those brochures to be delivered to them. , Cal. Penal Code 311.2 (a) states that an individual who knowingly sends out obscene material is guilty of a misdemeanor Facts: The petitioner was a leader of Ku Klux Klan. The petitioner declared speeches which were aired on television. He was charged with violating Ohio Rev. Code Ann. 2923.1. The law stated that it was not within the confines of the law to teach terrorism or any criminal act and that it is also considered unlawful to organize a group or committee which aims to advocate syndicalism and promote acts of terrorism and crimes. The case was raised to the United States Supreme Court. The Supreme Court finalized the decision that Ohio Rev. Code Ann. ... The US Supreme Court overturned the petitioner's conviction because the decree upon which his conviction was based was unconstitutional. Issue: Was it lawful for the Supreme Court to reverse the decision using the decree U.S. Const. amends I and XIV as their main basis of reversal Holding: Yes. There was no significant and apparent evidence that provided any connection between advocating terrorism and syndicalism and organizing an assembly to execute crime and terrorism. The judgment of Ohio's Court was based on the context wherein the speech of the defendant was made. The speech was said during a rally using phrases such as 'Bury the Niggers". The Supreme Court based their judgment purely on freedom of speech and freedom of the press.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

What Is The Organizational Justice Theory Commerce Essay

What Is The Organizational Justice Theory Commerce Essay Organizational justice theory provides a model through which perceptions of fairness and equity by those affected by change can be explored and understood. OJT combines social psychological theories and psychological contract models to explain fairness judgments. Based on an individuals perception of fairness within their organization, three typologies of OJT have been defined; i) Distributive justice refers to the perceived fairness of decision outcomes and is judged by measuring whether rewards are proportional to costs (Homans, 1961, cited in Colquitt, 2006), whether outcomes stick to expectations (Blau, 1964, cited in Colquitt, 2006), and whether outcome/input ratios match those of a comparison other (Adams, 1965). ii) Procedural justice refers to the perceived fairness of decision-making procedures and is judged by gauging whether procedures are accurate, consistent, unbiased, and correctable (Leventhal, 1980, cited in Colquitt, 2006), and open to employee input (Thibaut Walker , 1975, cited in Colquitt, 2006); iii) Interactional justice refers to the perceived fairness of the performance or implementations of procedures (Bies Moag, 1986, cited in Colquitt, 2006). Implications of negative justice perceptions could be seen in an individuals behavioral response to perceived inequity of rewards. Based on exchange theories of organizational and social behavior, individuals will compare the ratio of their inputs (e.g. education, skills, effort, experiences) to outcomes (e.g. pay, promotion, recognition) with that of a referent other, and will strive to restore their perceived balance of rewards through a behavioral response. An organizations policies often signal what the organization believes to be important and can enhance employees trust and confidence in the organization (Tyler and Lind, 1992, cited in Brown. Et al., 2010). Individuals can look to the fairness of organizational policies in order to gain insight into the type of treatment they can expect to receive from the organization. Fair policies not only establish what the organization considers to be appropriate treatment but policies also build employees expectations that this treatment will occur (Sitkin and Bies, 1994, cited in Brown. Et al., 2010). Unfair policies, in contrast, can signal to employees that they might experience unfairness and/or have difficulty meeting their needs in the organizational environment. Although individuals may consider procedural justice to determine the probability of future mistreat ­ment, we argue that policies provide a more reliable source as policies are relatively stable, enduring, and often provide ex plicit guidelines for future treatment by the same or other managers in the organization. 2.1 Details of cases (Critical thinking questions no.5, pp 109) Several service representatives are upset that the newly hired representative with no previous experience will be paid $3,000 a year above the usual starting salary in the pay range. The department manager explained that the new hire would not accept the entry-level rate, so the company raised the offer by $3,000. All five reps currently earn salaries near the top of the scale ($15,000 higher than the new recruit), although they all started at the minimum starting salary a few years earlier. Use equity theory to explain why the five service representatives feel inequity in this situation. 3. Problem Identification by Niek Ling Keong Equity theory focuses on the concept of how hard a person is willing to work is dependent on their perception of what is fair or just when compared to others (Redmond, 2010).   In the early sixties, John Stacey Adams proposed that employee motivation is impacted by whether or not the employee believes that their employment benefit/rewards (output/outcomes) are at least equal to the amount of the effort they put into their work (input).   If an employee believes their outputs are not equal to or greater than their input, then the employee will become de-motivated.   Employees will often compare their inputs and outputs to a peer within the organization when judging whether or not the outputs that they receive are fair. In this case, five service representatives feel inequity in their company because they did not get high salary ($3,000) compared to those new recruits even though they all started at the minimum level few years earlier. When a person perceives his/her input/outcom e ratio to be unequal with a comparison other, inequity results, they may choose to use cognitive (e.g., adjust perceptions of referent others inputs or outcomes) or behavioral (e.g., increasing or decreasing inputs) approaches to resolve the inequity. However, individuals subjected to the same inequitable situations often respond in different ways, suggesting that there may be individual differences in sensitivity to inequity (Redmond, 2010). Specifically, research suggests that individuals are differentially sensitive to disparities in outcome/input ratios between themselves and their referents, which helps to explain why there are differences in reactions among individuals to the same unfair situations. Equity theory can be broken down into four basic schemes (Huseman, Hatfield, Miles, 1987, cited in Redmond 2010) 1.   Individuals develop their perception of fairness by calculating a ratio of their inputs and outcomes and then comparing this to the ratio of others (Huseman, et. al., 1987). Inputs are the value proposition of individuals, such as their productivity, time, and education. Other examples include the experience, knowledge, ability, qualifications and ambition of the individual (Cory, 2006). Outcomes are the rewards an individual receives. These rewards can be tangible, such as financial compensation, or intangible, such as recognition or job security. The comparable other could be a co-worker, a relative, the industry norm, a friend, or even a group of individuals (Adams, 1963). The comparable other can even be oneself in a past job (Adams, 1963). For example, an individual may not perceive he is being treated fairly when he works 40 hours per week (input) and receives $500 in pay (output) while his co-worker works 30 hours per week and receives $650 in pay. In this critical ques tion, the five representatives think that those new recruits dont have previous experience, same with them who start work at the minimum level few years ago. However, the salary earn by those newly hired representatives are higher than the salary earned by senior representatives. 2.   If the comparative ratios are perceived by the individual to be unequal, then inequity exists (Huseman, et. al., 1987). According to equity theory, an individual needs to perceive that the ratios of their contributions are weighted fairly: determined by equal ratios. Equity is all about balance (Spector 2008). Equity is present when a person feels that they are receiving the appropriate amount of outcomes from their inputs, when compared to their chosen comparison other. Inequity exists when there is a perceived difference in the ratios of inputs and outcomes. Two specific types of inequity exist: underpayment inequity and overpayment inequity. Underpayment inequity occurs when an individual perceives that their ratio is smaller than their comparison other: they are getting less for their inputs. For example, if someone feels they are putting in more effort or working harder than a co-worker, yet they earn equal or less compensation, their perceived ratios will be different an d that person will experience underpayment inequity. In contrast, overpayment inequity tips the scales in the other direction. For example, someone will feel they are being paid too much considering their work, when compared to the work and compensation of a co-worker. This can cause feelings of guilt and the ratios used for comparison are based upon the perception of an individual, and not an objective measure of inputs and outcomes. Additionally, the choice of a comparison other is also the subjective selection of the individual. While in this case, the senior representatives feel inequity of overpayment exists due to the higher salary in comparative ratios to the newly representatives. 3.  As the difference in inequity increases, the tension and distress felt by an individual will increase (Huseman, et. al., 1987). Smaller differences of inequity are more tolerable than significant differences of inequity. Not every person will experience equity or inequity in the same way because people have varying tolerance levels or sensitivity to perceived situations of inequity. Three types of individuals have been identified along an equity sensitivity scale: compassionate, equity sensitives, and entitled (Huseman, et. al.,  1987). Benevolents are more tolerant of underreward (Huseman, et. al., 1987). Equity sensitives follow the norm of equity theory and prefer their ratios to be equal to their comparison other (Huseman, et. al., 1987). Entitleds prefer to be in over-reward situations and want their ratio to exceed that of their comparison other (Huseman, et. al., 1987). Entitleds frequently have the attitude that the world owes them a favor, so they will freely accept and seek out over-reward situations. In this critical study of question, five representatives are perceived as entitleds since they still think the company owes them a good turn although they earn $15,000, which is near the top scale of salary and is higher than the new recruits. 4.  The greater tension an individual feels due to perceived inequity, the harder they will work to decrease their tension and increase perceived levels of equity (Huseman, et. al., 1987). Most individuals will try to achieve equity by adjusting their own inputs and outcomes, or attempting to change the inputs or outcomes of the comparison other. Individuals can use behavioral processes or cognitive processes in order to attempt to restore equity. Examples include decreasing productivity at work, finding a new job, asking for a wage increase, changing the comparative other, or attempting to distort or justify changes in their perceptions of inputs and/or outcomes (Adams, 1963). The means of reducing inequity will vary depending on the situation and will not all be equally satisfying to an individual (Adams, 1963). 4. Source of the problem by Ng Hui Ming a. Explanation Equity theory deals with two questions: (1) What do people think is fair and equitable? And (2) How do they respond when they feel they are getting far more or far less from their relationships than they deserve? How do they react when they see their fellows harvesting undeserved benefits or enduring undeserved suffering? Interestingly, Lind and Van den Bos (2002, cited in Sora, B. et al. 2010) conceptualized the integration of justice with stress through uncertainty management theory. This model can be summarized by the following principle: people use fairness to manage their reactions to uncertainty, finding comfort in related or even unrelated fair experiences and finding additional suffering in unfair experiences (Lind and Van den Bos, 2002: 216, cited in Sora, B. et al. 2010). In other words, work uncertainty is perceived as a threatening situation for employees. In this setting, employees tend to seek certainty and security, and one way to obtain them is through developing fai rness judgements that make the uncertain event more predictable. Organizational justice is an effective tool to reduce the feelings of uncertainty and, therefore, lessen the discom ­fort to a great extent (Elovainio et al., 2005; Judge and Colquitt, 2004; Thau et al., 2007, cited in Sora, B. et al. 2010). In this case, the inequity judgment by those five service representatives that new employees will be getting more pay of salary has caused them to feel unsecure. This is say so because the salaries earn by new recruits now are higher than the time senior representative earned. They worry that those newly hired workers will earn much than them in a very short time since the newly recruits starting salary already higher than them compare to the time they started at minimum level. b. Mind-map In this critical question, the five senior representatives feel they are facing underpayment equity, they feel that the salary they earn when working at the starting minimum level are lower than those newly recruits now. The senior representatives feel very upset and dissatisfy because manager explained that the newly hired would not accept the previous entry level rate. The newly representatives have no previous experience, but why still being paid $ 3,000 yearly above the usual staring salary in the pay range. Comparison between the situations faced by two groups of representatives 5. Learning outcomes by Ng Hui Ming After completing this study of paper, we should be able to: a. Identify what is Equity theory and under payment equity. b. Balance or correct the inequity feelings of employees towards co-workers. c. Know what managers can do to overcome/ reduce the perceptions of inequity by employees. 6. Responses to inequality by Ng Hui Ming Equity theory suggests that when individuals perceive inequality between their own outcome/input ratio and that of the comparison referent, they are motivated to respond. Specifically, equity theory outlined six possible responses that individuals may take to restore equity: a) change their inputs, b) adjust their outcomes, c) distorts their inputs and outcomes cognitively, d) leave the situation, e) act on the comparison referent to influence its inputs or outcomes, and f) compare to a different referent. There is little information, either in Adams (1965), or in subsequent work, that predicts when individuals will choose a particular response option. Equity theory comprises four linking suggestions: SUGGESTION I: Individuals try to maximize their outcomes (where outcomes equal rewards minus costs). SUGGESTION IIA: Groups can maximize collective reward by evolving accepted systems for equitably apportioning resources among members. Thus, groups will develop such systems of equity, and will try to persuade members to accept and stick to these systems. SUGGESTION IIB: Groups will generally reward members who treat other equitably, and generally punish (increase the costs for) members who treat others inequitably. SUGGESTION III: When individuals find themselves participating in inequitable relationships, they will become distressed. The more inequitable the relationship, the more suffering individuals will feel. SUGGESTION IV: Individuals who discover they are in an inequitable relationship will attempt to eliminate their distress by restoring equity. The greater the inequity that exists, the more distress they will feel, and the harder they will try to restore equity. 7. Choose alternatives to solve inequality by Loh Sin Yee One behavioural approach for an individual to balance equity is to either increase or decrease their inputs in order to achieve equity. If they feel underrewarded they will decrease their inputs. For example, an employee who feels underpaid at work compared to his coworkers (underreward) might start taking longer breaks in order to read the entire newspaper which decreases productivity (reduced input). By decreasing inputs, the perception of equity is restored. Underpayment Equity Thus, consistent with uncertainty management theory and with the assumption that job insecurity reflects uncertainty about job loss, we would expect that organizational justice related to organizational aspects such as resource distribution, personal treatment and processes could be related to employees outcomes and moderate the relationship between job insecurity and its outcomes. That is, organizational justice could help employees to deal with the uncertainty of job insecurity, justifying the negative outcomes of job insecurity and, therefore, preventing deterioration of job satisfaction. 8. Team reflection by Loh Sin Yee A concern with fairness or justice is critical to the management of numerous organizational issues (e.g., pay distribution, grievance resolution; Greenberg, 1990, cited in Kilbourne, L.M., OLeary-Kelly, A.M. (1994). In fact, in any distribution of outcomes (positive or negative) across individuals, employee perceptions of fairness are important. Because these perceptions of fairness are related to both organizational functioning and employee satisfaction (Greenberg, 1990; Leventhal, 1980, cited in Kilbourne, L.M., OLeary-Kelly, A.M. (1994), organizational scholars and practitioner equally are interested in understanding them. As a result, managers must try to communicate with their employees frequently to understand their feelings or perceptions towards inequity or any dissatisfaction on work. Adams (1965) equity theory proposes that an individual who believes an exchange is inequitable will be motivated to achieve equity or reduce inequity. According to the theory, individuals determine if exchanges are equitable by computing the ratio of perceived personal outcomes (rewards) to perceived inputs (contributions) and comparing this ratio with the perceived outcome/input ratio of some comparison referent that they have chosen. If inequality is perceived, the individual is expected to experience tension and to be motivated to respond either cognitively or behaviorally to restore equity. By the way, an employer can also prevent consequences from perceptions of inequity. For example, Skarlicki and Folger (1997, cited in Redmond 2010) found that employees that are treated with respect are more likely to tolerate unfair pay. Whether the pay or compensation is actually unfair might be irrelevant. To the employee a perception of unfair compensation is the same as actual unfair compensation. So, if an employee has a perception of inequity in their compensation they might be more willing to tolerate their perception of unfair pay if they are treated with respect by their employer. Then they will be less likely to decrease their inputs or engage in counter-productive work behaviours to compensate for a perception of underpayment inequity. So, in addition to establishing fair distribution and procedures in an organization, employers should always treat their employees with respect. This can help maintain or increase motivation and prevent problems that stem from perceptions o f under reward. Employers also need to remember that employees can value different outcomes. For example, younger employees tend to value more pay (Miles, et. al., 1994, cited in Redmond 2010). Even if an employee receives a higher salary than their co-worker they could still develop a perception of inequity if that co-worker has a flexible schedule, and a flexible schedule is more valuable to them than extra salary. To combat this problem, employers can implement two strategies. First, they could continually request feedback from employees to determine what they value and how they would prefer to be compensated. Another strategy used by employers is to offer a choice in benefits. For example, one employee might want to use a health flexible spending account while another employee might prefer to have a dependent care flexible spending account. Employers can offer choices on health or dental insurance as well as other choices among benefits. This type of plan, called a cafeteria sty le, allows employees to select outcomes that they value most. This can help prevent perceptions of inequity because each employee has the outcomes that they value the highest. This helps increase their ratio of inputs to outcomes when compared to their co-workers. Employers can also utilize intangible rewards such as a pat on the back, a luncheon, or even simple praise in front of co-workers. These simple intangible rewards can help balance a measure of inputs and outcomes. 9. Conclusion by Loh Sin Yee After we have studied the problem and revised on the research done by several researchers, we can now understand about Equity theory and underpayment equity. Additionally, the five senior representatives must know how to balance or correct the inequity feelings towards newly hired representatives. They are encouraged to use the behavioural approaches to change the input or outcome of their comparative other. Furthermore, it is important for managers to understand and prevent consequences from perceptions of inequity by employees. Equity theory of motivation, developed in the early 1960s by Adams (1965), recognizes that motivation can be affected through an individuals perception of fair treatment in social exchanges.  When compared to other people, individuals want to be compensated fairly for their contributions. The organization may need to recognize the different interpretations inherent with such group of employees and devise a strategy for effectively managing their different perceptions. 10. References by Ng Hui Ming Redmond, B.F. (2010).   Lesson 5:   Equity theory:   Is what I get for my work fair compared to others? Work Attitudes and Motivation.  The Pennsylvania State University World Campus. Adams, J.S. (1965). Inequality in social exchange. In L. Berkowitz (Ed.), Advances in experimental social psychology (pp.267-299). New York: Academic Press. Williamson, K., Williams, K.J. (2010). Organizational justice, trust and perceptions of fairness in the implementation of agenda for change. 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Friday, October 25, 2019

The Future Looks Bright For Ja :: essays research papers

The Future Looks Bright for Japan Over the past 40 years nuclear energy has gone from being the energy source of the future to the energy source that everyone fears. The world has faced 20 plus nuclear accidents since testing began in the 1950's ( Three of the four most disastrous nuclear accidents have occurred in the past twenty years. Theoretically, nuclear fission(1) is an excellent means to generate electricity; however, fission's history of accidents has shown it to be too risky to the environment. Countries are beginning to turn away from nuclear energy and rely more on alternative renewable energy sources and new sources of fossil fuels. THREE MILE ISLAND In 1979 there was a nuclear accident near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania at the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant. No one was killed, radiation did not escape the plant, however, the reactor suffered a partial meltdown of the fuel rods, creating fears of a 'China Syndrome';(2) disaster. This fear was exacerbated by the movie "China Syndrome" that was coincidentally making the theater circuits. Leaking water severely damaged the nuclear fuel core in a reactor, which caused radioactive gas to be released in the Three Mile Island Nuclear power plant. Over 30,000 residents resided within five miles of the Three Mile Island. Fortunately all radiation was contained within the nuclear power plant and there were no environmental or health effects caused by the escape of hydrogen gas. CHERNOBYL The1986 accident in the Ukraine at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant opened everyone's eyes to the extreme dangers and potentially catastrophic consequences of nuclear accidents. Years of destruction and suffering occurred from the nuclear fallout at Chernobyl. It is the worst nuclear accident the world has ever experienced. People and governments around the world are concerned that another serious accident is only a matter of time. At any moment another nuclear power plant could kill thousands. Chernobyl was a result of a reactor design that was not properly operated. The nuclear release occurred while shutting off the power for turbine testing. The reactors were known to be unstable at low levels of power. Two explosions caused the graphite moderator to catch fire, burning for 9 days and releasing all the nuclear power plant's Xenon, half the iodine and cesium and 3-5% of all remaining radioactive material. The radioactive dust particle was carried by wind throughout bordering Ukrainian countries. Results were extensive. 31 people died, 185,000 people received more than 20 mSv(3) of radiation between 1986-89.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

My Thoughts on Race

As a young child, I was always thought that race meant what color a person was on the outside. From my family I was taught that there were white people, black people, and Oriental people. Those were the three races of the world. I was raised to believe that white people were the majority and even though I don’t remember being told that being white was the best race to be, I grew up with this feeling because it was inferred enough. I thought Oriental people were rare, blacks lived in cities, and I was lucky to be a white person. In school we were grouped into categories such as â€Å"white†, black†, or â€Å"other† when we had to fill out forms. Those were the three choices given out when asked to check off our race. Later, these forms were amended to include choices such as â€Å"Latino†, â€Å"Asian†, and â€Å"Native American.† Nowadays government/school forms have increased the choices and currently include selections such as â€Å"Pacific Islander† and â€Å"Hispanic/non-Latino†. As these choices increased, I began to see that there were other races beyond the original three of years back, but I still felt I was white and that was a pretty good thing. I know in my early school years we were taught that Martin Luther King Jr. was a hero to this country in a manner of speaking, but we learned little about people of color in general beyond the fact that they were brought to America as slaves hundreds of years ago. For a white child to grow up with very little contact with anybody of color, in a family and community that did not promote racial equality or exposure, I simply gave very little thought to race and just accepted my families views as my own. Somewhere along the path of my education I was taught that there are some diseases that are more likely to occur in people of color, or people with Asian ancestors, or from some European countries. One such example, which I now understand better, is the sickle-cell gene. I either learned it wrong in school or was taught it wrong at the time, but I thought that this was a genetic mutation that only people of color had. The class readings have dispelled this idea completely as now I know it is â€Å"common in tropical Africa, where malaria is widespread. Up to 40 percent of Africans in such areas carry the sickle- cell gene. It's also common in the malaria-ridden Arabian Peninsula and southern India, and rare or absent in the southernmost parts of South Africa.†(Diamond, 1994) Though I long ago kind of gave up that humans could actually be divided neatly into racial groups, this is a reminder of how things we learn long ago stay with us unconsciously. As science progresses information becomes more accurate, and we become old enough to form individual opinions, it is important to be open to this new information and willing to alter what we were taught as children. I happen to be considered white because I am Italian, but what does this really mean? It has certainly kept me from experiencing much racism, especially compared to my friend Deirdre, a woman of color who is married to a German immigrant and having what our culture terms biracial children. That is not to say I have never experienced racism, I think that every person has on some level, I am simply aware that my experiences wane in comparison to what they have probably experienced and will continue to experience. So, I check off â€Å"white† on forms, which ask for my race, or I leave it blank all together. But a Swede is also considered white too. Am I whiter because Swedes are genetically closer to some Africans than they may be to me? The more I think about it, the less sense race makes at all. Race has been debated for hundreds of years and probably longer. And, as far as I know, there has never been one consensus on how many races there are across the planet in which the world wide scientific community has agreed on, despite what was taught years ago. There are many different questions regarding how one would classify races or differences between races, and over the years many different systems of classifications have been used. However, the most used method seems to be by categorizing people based on visible physical characteristics that include skin color, eye color, and shape of the eye. In today’s world, it just makes common sense not to rely on this type of separation of peoples. With so many technological advances in modern times, which allow for very intricate internal and external evaluations, less obvious methods of categorizing people have been begun to be used. In utilizing these new advances it looks like the idea of race has actually collapsed and the theory that humans belong in different racial groups is now practically obsolete. It has been made obvious that a person’s genetic make-up is in part a reflection of where they live as well as their heredity. Each geographic location has very specific weather conditions, specific agriculture, and specific dietary habits of the population, specific diseases to fend off, and other possible factors that may have changed human genetics during the evolution of humans. So why do we still have government forms which ask people to claim they belong to a race, and why do some still even consider race a viable scientific category, and why is it still being discussed as a separator of humans? Really, how can stereotypes of race still prevail when, depending on which criteria is used, a Swede may be linked genetically closer to a Fulani than a Fulani with another person of color from the African continent? (Diamond, 1994) â€Å"People impose order on their social universe by classifying it. These classifications sometimes match genetic relationships and sometimes diverge from them significantly. How we classify is not based on nature, not determined by nature, but is a construction of our social minds that we impose on nature to help us organize things.†(Marks, 2001) Dividing people into race categories has become a comfort factor rather than a matter of science. I think the long term consequences of many whites is that they will be held responsible for the creation of races as a concept and for the ways in which early scientists classified people by race. I also think that the tensions felt between peoples of different colors may be a long-term consequence of whites proclaiming superiority over all others either by direct actions or by inferences. Some Native-Americans blame the government for the situations of their modern tribes. As such, they fought and won the right to receive special treatment by the government by being taxed less and by having certain gaming privileges, and possibly by other means I do not know of, because of the way the whites that first came to America treated them. Some people of color are actively seeking reparations from the United States government because some of their ancestors may have been slaves of America’s early white residents. Because the government allows the Native-Americans special privileges, they are conceding that the early whites in America did something wrong, which I happen to agree they did. But, by continuing to behave as if whites and Native-Americans are separate races, even if only on forms and in certain minds, the race myth will not go away. If the American government concedes to reparations to blacks for something ignorant whites did centuries ago, we will be further drawing a line between populations of humans that do not need to exist. So, the early white scientists classified race before the information known about humans today existed. They created a world that believed their scientific theories because most people did not know any better. And after hundreds of years of believing what we were told as fact and not fiction, it may very well take another hundred or more years to dispel the myth of race. The sense of comfort that propels us to sort people into groups is also a case of fear overriding reason. The Ku Klux Klan could not exist with the fear of other races, even if many racists would deny this. Just as there are many so-called white people who discriminate against blacks, Chinese, or other people, there are many non-white groups of people that discriminate against whites or other people different than themselves. A Chinese father may insist his daughter marry a Chinese man for the simple reason that he has accepted that they are of the same race, and a white man would not be, because that is how he has been taught throughout his life. Even if there were such thing as races of people, how would one define their race in a world where everybody intermingles? If a man marries a Chinese woman, what would their children’s race be? The government/school forms always ask that a person select only one race on certain forms. If their children put â€Å"white† down, they are denying their Chinese heritage. If they put â€Å"Chinese,† â€Å"Oriental† or whatever it is that a person of Chinese heritage would fit under, they would be denying another side of the family. Why should any humans be asked to deny one part of themselves and embrace only one segment of who they are? The bottom line of the future is that governments and major scientific organizations often set the tone for how populations treat and understand the concept of race. Until governments and major corporations stop circulating the concept of race and until the concept of cultures are embraced rather than race, the separation of peoples by race will never be dispelled. Sources: 1) Diamond, Jared. â€Å"Race Without Color.†Ã‚   Discover 15.11 November 1994. 2) Marks, J. (2001)   Scientific and folk ideas about heredity.   In: The Human Genome Project and Minority Communities: Ethical, Social, and Political Dilemmas, ed. by R. Zilinskas and P. Balint.   Westport, CT: Greenwood, pp. 53-66. My Thoughts on Race As a young child, I was always thought that race meant what color a person was on the outside. From my family I was taught that there were white people, black people, and Oriental people. Those were the three races of the world. I was raised to believe that white people were the majority and even though I don’t remember being told that being white was the best race to be, I grew up with this feeling because it was inferred enough. I thought Oriental people were rare, blacks lived in cities, and I was lucky to be a white person. In school we were grouped into categories such as â€Å"white†, black†, or â€Å"other† when we had to fill out forms. Those were the three choices given out when asked to check off our race. Later, these forms were amended to include choices such as â€Å"Latino†, â€Å"Asian†, and â€Å"Native American.† Nowadays government/school forms have increased the choices and currently include selections such as â€Å"Pacific Islander† and â€Å"Hispanic/non-Latino†. As these choices increased, I began to see that there were other races beyond the original three of years back, but I still felt I was white and that was a pretty good thing. I know in my early school years we were taught that Martin Luther King Jr. was a hero to this country in a manner of speaking, but we learned little about people of color in general beyond the fact that they were brought to America as slaves hundreds of years ago. For a white child to grow up with very little contact with anybody of color, in a family and community that did not promote racial equality or exposure, I simply gave very little thought to race and just accepted my families views as my own. Somewhere along the path of my education I was taught that there are some diseases that are more likely to occur in people of color, or people with Asian ancestors, or from some European countries. One such example, which I now understand better, is the sickle-cell gene. I either learned it wrong in school or was taught it wrong at the time, but I thought that this was a genetic mutation that only people of color had. The class readings have dispelled this idea completely as now I know it is â€Å"common in tropical Africa, where malaria is widespread. Up to 40 percent of Africans in such areas carry the sickle- cell gene. It's also common in the malaria-ridden Arabian Peninsula and southern India, and rare or absent in the southernmost parts of South Africa.†(Diamond, 1994) Though I long ago kind of gave up that humans could actually be divided neatly into racial groups, this is a reminder of how things we learn long ago stay with us unconsciously. As science progresses information becomes more accurate, and we become old enough to form individual opinions, it is important to be open to this new information and willing to alter what we were taught as children. I happen to be considered white because I am Italian, but what does this really mean? It has certainly kept me from experiencing much racism, especially compared to my friend Deirdre, a woman of color who is married to a German immigrant and having what our culture terms biracial children. That is not to say I have never experienced racism, I think that every person has on some level, I am simply aware that my experiences wane in comparison to what they have probably experienced and will continue to experience. So, I check off â€Å"white† on forms, which ask for my race, or I leave it blank all together. But a Swede is also considered white too. Am I whiter because Swedes are genetically closer to some Africans than they may be to me? The more I think about it, the less sense race makes at all. Race has been debated for hundreds of years and probably longer. And, as far as I know, there has never been one consensus on how many races there are across the planet in which the world wide scientific community has agreed on, despite what was taught years ago. There are many different questions regarding how one would classify races or differences between races, and over the years many different systems of classifications have been used. However, the most used method seems to be by categorizing people based on visible physical characteristics that include skin color, eye color, and shape of the eye. In today’s world, it just makes common sense not to rely on this type of separation of peoples. With so many technological advances in modern times, which allow for very intricate internal and external evaluations, less obvious methods of categorizing people have been begun to be used. In utilizing these new advances it looks like the idea of race has actually collapsed and the theory that humans belong in different racial groups is now practically obsolete. It has been made obvious that a person’s genetic make-up is in part a reflection of where they live as well as their heredity. Each geographic location has very specific weather conditions, specific agriculture, and specific dietary habits of the population, specific diseases to fend off, and other possible factors that may have changed human genetics during the evolution of humans. So why do we still have government forms which ask people to claim they belong to a race, and why do some still even consider race a viable scientific category, and why is it still being discussed as a separator of humans? Really, how can stereotypes of race still prevail when, depending on which criteria is used, a Swede may be linked genetically closer to a Fulani than a Fulani with another person of color from the African continent? (Diamond, 1994) â€Å"People impose order on their social universe by classifying it. These classifications sometimes match genetic relationships and sometimes diverge from them significantly. How we classify is not based on nature, not determined by nature, but is a construction of our social minds that we impose on nature to help us organize things.†(Marks, 2001) Dividing people into race categories has become a comfort factor rather than a matter of science. I think the long term consequences of many whites is that they will be held responsible for the creation of races as a concept and for the ways in which early scientists classified people by race. I also think that the tensions felt between peoples of different colors may be a long-term consequence of whites proclaiming superiority over all others either by direct actions or by inferences. Some Native-Americans blame the government for the situations of their modern tribes. As such, they fought and won the right to receive special treatment by the government by being taxed less and by having certain gaming privileges, and possibly by other means I do not know of, because of the way the whites that first came to America treated them. Some people of color are actively seeking reparations from the United States government because some of their ancestors may have been slaves of America’s early white residents. Because the government allows the Native-Americans special privileges, they are conceding that the early whites in America did something wrong, which I happen to agree they did. But, by continuing to behave as if whites and Native-Americans are separate races, even if only on forms and in certain minds, the race myth will not go away. If the American government concedes to reparations to blacks for something ignorant whites did centuries ago, we will be further drawing a line between populations of humans that do not need to exist. So, the early white scientists classified race before the information known about humans today existed. They created a world that believed their scientific theories because most people did not know any better. And after hundreds of years of believing what we were told as fact and not fiction, it may very well take another hundred or more years to dispel the myth of race. The sense of comfort that propels us to sort people into groups is also a case of fear overriding reason. The Ku Klux Klan could not exist with the fear of other races, even if many racists would deny this. Just as there are many so-called white people who discriminate against blacks, Chinese, or other people, there are many non-white groups of people that discriminate against whites or other people different than themselves. A Chinese father may insist his daughter marry a Chinese man for the simple reason that he has accepted that they are of the same race, and a white man would not be, because that is how he has been taught throughout his life. Even if there were such thing as races of people, how would one define their race in a world where everybody intermingles? If a man marries a Chinese woman, what would their children’s race be? The government/school forms always ask that a person select only one race on certain forms. If their children put â€Å"white† down, they are denying their Chinese heritage. If they put â€Å"Chinese,† â€Å"Oriental† or whatever it is that a person of Chinese heritage would fit under, they would be denying another side of the family. Why should any humans be asked to deny one part of themselves and embrace only one segment of who they are? The bottom line of the future is that governments and major scientific organizations often set the tone for how populations treat and understand the concept of race. Until governments and major corporations stop circulating the concept of race and until the concept of cultures are embraced rather than race, the separation of peoples by race will never be dispelled. Sources: 1) Diamond, Jared. â€Å"Race Without Color.†Ã‚   Discover 15.11 November 1994. 2) Marks, J. (2001)   Scientific and folk ideas about heredity.   In: The Human Genome Project and Minority Communities: Ethical, Social, and Political Dilemmas, ed. by R. Zilinskas and P. Balint.   Westport, CT: Greenwood, pp. 53-66.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Racial Achievement Gap in the United States Essay

The racial achievement gap in the United States is the educational disparities between various ethnic groups. It is more manifests in African-America and Hispanic. These ethnic groups happen because students of those race are more likely to receive low grade in school, on their standardize test, even drop out of high school and is less likely to even attend college. Each student is independent and gains more equal opportunities as the same as other student who they attend school with. Throughout the American history, the improvement of citizenship in the educational system is the continual process compare with the past, because the minority of the student is even more independent and is equal in the present. However, the unequal economic gap and the different of the individual ability that has led the achievement gap grow in American society today. Over the last couple of years the united states student had make notable in academic achievement but however the racial gap remain the sa me. The favorable academic achievement is necessary to help the student gain the equal access to the education. For most minorities the education would make them have the higher spending on effort, time and money. Particularly, some lower income family student who even give up their education due to financial problem, which lend them to lose the opportunity to accept the higher education. According to the article written by Sabrina Travernise, which quote â€Å"a study that found that gap in the standardized test scores between affluent and lower income students had grown by above 40 percent since the 1960s†. The racial gap testing is now double between the blacks and whites. From 2007 to 2009 the achievement gap for the majority still stayed the same. For example the minority students occupy the large ratio of the poverty student. In many of the lower income families, the student who usually spend much less money in tuition and some of them will still don’t really care abo ut how the education system goes. In situation like this many student have the much weaker academic competition than the students and making most of them get the lower average in the standardized test scores. As a result they are arranged together in the lower level class. Unquestionably they sometime separate most of the white students where they can’t share some of the knowledge with the other kids. Also according to the US Department of Education the event dropout rate is the percentage of high school student who dropped out between beginnings of one school year to the next. Lacking of the educational resource is the most common factor which produces the difference on individual ability between the minority and the white student. Both the family and the school play the essential role in affecting the development the student’s ability. As a presence of the investigation, the children usually have the better IQ number in the good home environment. The difference of the individual ability between the minority student and the white student that makes the achievement gap increase. In today educational system, the student is separated from the different program and school according to their academic degree; this is also the unequal treatment among the different races of students because it never creates the equal opportunity to the lower- GPA minority students. For example, many lower level class students are only taught to use the simple academic skill in class, and then their ability won’t promote in the faster rate. In addition to their natura listic interest are usually ignored due to the less education resource when they are distributed to them. As a result the student won’t have the good prospect in future even if they are educated. The teaching quality and the outcome of the educational resources that both of them have the direct relationship in affecting the achievement gap. Therefore we should make more efforts to improve the current educational system. The educational inequality is differentiating the social class in America. In today’s society, earning the college degree or accepting the higher education have become the foremost condition in finding the job. However, the educational inequality affects the occupational success of people. The most obvious evidence is that the lower income workers have a lot of financial problem. In 2011 72% of African American student structure does affect their educational goal and expectation also they growing up in a single parent homes on educational attainment and success. The government and the people have the responsibility and obligation to aid at the weak group of people. Most Hispanic who is immigrating to American only sees to themselves a high school diploma, where they think it a sufficient amount of schooling. In summary as the circumstances that is placed above, the development of the American economy depend upon the development of the American educational system, which has also the essential impact to people’s life. Therefore, the government should continually improve the rule of educational system. Creating more opportunities and distributing the more educational resources to the minority student no matter how their individual ability is.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Analysis of No Longer at Ease by Achebe essays

Analysis of No Longer at Ease by Achebe essays The book No Longer at Ease by Chinua Achebe tells the story of a Nigerian man named Obi Okonkwo who struggles with cultural identity and loyalty. The story deals with many topics including nationalism, colonialism, conflict and self-identity. The novel by Achebe focuses on a young man's life and his lost connection with his African roots. Throughout the novel the author shares many themes of conflict and struggle. This struggle extends from his personal perceptions of what is right and wrong, but also addresses the conflict that exists within the country of Nigeria during the main characters youth. Within the story, a tale of "the young man's hatred for the ruling elite" comes out (Hamilton, 2002). The story takes place primarily in the setting of post-colonial Nigeria. The main character spends time both in his native country and in Europe. The main character of the novel, Obi, grows up in his native Nigeria, a country that has witnessed the spread of colonialism and mingled those traditions with the traditions of native people's living in Nigeria. In the novel, Obi travels to England in search of an education, and then returns to Nigeria only to find that his country has lost all of its "soul"(Hamilton, 2002). The European influences he recognized while attaining his education have actually permeated his native country enough to make it difficult to differentiate between Nigeria's true culture and Throughout the work, Obi finds he can't improve life for his fellow Nigerians in the manner in which he desires. He desires that his native people recognize their own culture as something to be proud of and enthusiastic about. Yet he is in conflict because he has benefited from European ways, including his career and education which were obtained in a British influenced environment. Obi struggles because many of his people have already chosen to embrace the ways of the British, ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Entregar Conjugation in Spanish, Translation, and Examples

Entregar Conjugation in Spanish, Translation, and Examples The Spanish verb entregar means to deliver, to turn in or hand in, or to hand over. Entregar can also be used as a reflexive verb, entregarse, which means to turn yourself in or surrender. Entregarse can also mean to devote yourself or dedicate yourself to something. Entregar Conjugation Entregar is a regular -ar verb and follows the same conjugation pattern as verbs like usar and tratar; however, a spelling change is required in some of the conjugations. In order to maintain the hard g sound, a u should be added when the g is followed by the vowel e. For example, the first person preterite conjugation of entregar should be entreguà ©, with a u to create the hard g sound. (The combination ge by itself produces the soft g sound, like the English h.) This article includes the conjugations of entregar in the most frequently used verb tenses: present, past, conditional, and future indicative, the present and past subjunctive, the imperative mood, and other verb forms. Entregar Present Indicative Yo entrego I deliver Yo entregola tarea a tiempo. Tà º entregas You deliver Tà º entregas la carta personalmente. Usted/à ©l/ella entrega You/he/she delivers Ella entregalos pedidos de los clientes. Nosotros entregamos We deliver Nosotros entregamoslas llaves del apartamento. Vosotros entregis Youdeliver Vosotros entregisel ladrà ³n a la policà ­a. Ustedes/ellos/ellas entregan You/they deliver Ellos entreganel poder despuà ©s de las elecciones. Entregar Preterite Indicative In the preterite tense there is a spelling change only for the first person singular conjugation. Yo entreguà © I delivered Yo entreguà © la tarea a tiempo. Tà º entregaste You delivered Tà º entregaste la carta personalmente. Usted/à ©l/ella entregà ³ You/he/she delivered Ella entregà ³ los pedidos de los clientes. Nosotros entregamos We delivered Nosotros entregamoslas llaves del apartamento. Vosotros entregasteis Youdelivered Vosotros entregasteis el ladrà ³n a la policà ­a. Ustedes/ellos/ellas entregaron You/they delivered Ellos entregaron el poder despuà ©s de las elecciones. Entregar Imperfect Indicative The imperfect tense can be translated to English as was delivering or used to deliver. Yo entregaba I used to deliver Yo entregaba la tarea a tiempo. Tà º entregabas You used to deliver Tà º entregabas la carta personalmente. Usted/à ©l/ella entregaba You/he/she used to deliver Ella entregaba los pedidos de los clientes. Nosotros entregbamos We used to deliver Nosotros entregbamoslas llaves del apartamento. Vosotros entregabais Youused to deliver Vosotros entregabais el ladrà ³n a la policà ­a. Ustedes/ellos/ellas entregaban You/they used to deliver Ellos entregaban el poder despuà ©s de las elecciones. Entregar Future Indicative Yo entregarà © I will deliver Yo entregarà © la tarea a tiempo. Tà º entregars You will deliver Tà º entregars la carta personalmente. Usted/à ©l/ella entregar You/he/she will deliver Ella entregarlos pedidos de los clientes. Nosotros entregaremos We will deliver Nosotros entregaremoslas llaves del apartamento. Vosotros entregarà ©is Youwill deliver Vosotros entregarà ©is el ladrà ³n a la policà ­a. Ustedes/ellos/ellas entregarn You/they will deliver Ellos entregarn el poder despuà ©s de las elecciones. Entregar Periphrastic  Future Indicative   To conjugate the periphrastic future, use the present indicative conjugation of the verb ir (to go), the preposition a, and the infinitive entregar. Yo voy a entregar I am going to deliver Yo voy a entregar la tarea a tiempo. Tà º vasa entregar You aregoing todeliver Tà º vasa entregar la carta personalmente. Usted/à ©l/ella vaa entregar You/he/she isgoing todeliver Ella vaa entregar los pedidos de los clientes. Nosotros vamosa entregar We aregoing todeliver Nosotros vamosa entregar las llaves del apartamento. Vosotros vaisa entregar Youaregoing todeliver Vosotros vaisa entregar el ladrà ³n a la policà ­a. Ustedes/ellos/ellas vana entregar You/they aregoing todeliver Ellos vana entregar el poder despuà ©s de las elecciones. Entregar Present Progressive/Gerund Form The gerund or present participle is a verb form that can be used as an adverb or to create progressive verb forms like the present progressive. Present Progressive ofEntregar est entregando Is delivering Ella est entregando los pedidos de los clientes. Entregar Past Participle The past participle is a verb form that can be used as an adjective or to form perfect tenses like the present perfect. Present Perfect of Entregar ha entregado Has delivered Ella ha entregado los pedidos de los clientes. Entregar Conditional Indicative The conditional tense is used to talk about possibilities. Yo entregarà ­a I would deliver Yo entregarà ­a la tarea a tiempo si la hubiera hecho. Tà º entregarà ­as You would deliver Tà º entregarà ­as la carta personalmente, pero no tienes tiempo. Usted/à ©l/ella entregarà ­a You/he/she would deliver Ella entregarà ­alos pedidos de los clientes, pero no tiene las direcciones. Nosotros entregarà ­amos We would deliver Nosotros entregarà ­amoslas llaves del apartamento si nos mudramos. Vosotros entregarà ­ais Youwould deliver Vosotros entregarà ­ais el ladrà ³n a la policà ­a si supierais dà ³nde se esconde. Ustedes/ellos/ellas entregarà ­an You/they would deliver Ellos entregarà ­an el poder despuà ©s de las elecciones, pero no se conocen los resultados. Entregar Present Subjunctive The spelling change - add a u for the hard g sound- occurs in all of the present subjunctive conjugations. Que yo entregue That I deliver La maestra quiere que yo entregue la tarea a tiempo. Que tà º entregues That you deliver La directora pide que tà º entregues la carta personalmente. Que usted/à ©l/ella entregue That you/he/she deliver El gerente espera que ella entregue los pedidos de los clientes. Que nosotros entreguemos That we deliver El propietario quiere que nosotros entreguemos las llaves del apartamento. Que vosotros entreguà ©is That you deliver La và ­ctima pide que vosotros entreguà ©isel ladrà ³n a la policà ­a. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas entreguen That you/they deliver El gobernador quiere que ellos entreguen el poder despuà ©s de las elecciones. Entregar Imperfect Subjunctive There are two different ways of conjugating the imperfect subjunctive: Option 1 Que yo entregara That I delivered La maestra querà ­a que yo entregara la tarea a tiempo. Que tà º entregaras That you delivered La directora pedà ­a que tà º entregaras la carta personalmente. Que usted/à ©l/ella entregara That you/he/she delivered El gerente esperaba que ella entregara los pedidos de los clientes. Que nosotros entregramos That we delivered El propietario querà ­a que nosotros entregramoslas llaves del apartamento. Que vosotros entregarais That you delivered La và ­ctima pedà ­a que vosotros entregaraisel ladrà ³n a la policà ­a. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas entregaran That you/they delivered El gobernador querà ­a que ellos entregaran el poder despuà ©s de las elecciones. Option 2 Que yo entregase That I delivered La maestra querà ­a que yo entregase la tarea a tiempo. Que tà º entregases That you delivered La directora pedà ­a que tà º entregases la carta personalmente. Que usted/à ©l/ella entregase That you/he/she delivered El gerente esperaba que ella entregase los pedidos de los clientes. Que nosotros entregsemos That we delivered El propietario querà ­a que nosotros entregsemoslas llaves del apartamento. Que vosotros entregarais That you delivered La và ­ctima pedà ­a que vosotros entregaseisel ladrà ³n a la policà ­a. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas entregasen That you/they delivered El gobernador querà ­a que ellos entregasen el poder despuà ©s de las elecciones. Entregar Imperative The imperative mood is used to give commands. Notice that some of the imperative conjugations require a spelling change for the hard g sound. Positive Commands Tà º entrega Deliver!  ¡Entrega la carta personalmente! Usted entregue Deliver!  ¡Entregue los pedidos de los clientes! Nosotros entreguemos Let's deliver!  ¡Entreguemos las llaves del apartamento! Vosotros entregad Deliver!  ¡Entregad el ladrà ³n a la policà ­a! Ustedes entreguen Deliver!  ¡Entreguen el poder despuà ©s de las elecciones! Negative Commands Tà º no entregues Don't deliver!  ¡No entregues la carta personalmente! Usted no entregue Don't deliver!  ¡No entregue los pedidos de los clientes! Nosotros no entreguemos Let's not deliver!  ¡No entreguemos las llaves del apartamento! Vosotros no entreguà ©is Don't deliver!  ¡No entreguà ©is el ladrà ³n a la policà ­a! Ustedes no entreguen Don't deliver!  ¡No entreguen el poder despuà ©s de las elecciones!

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Crazy and Creative Cheating Tricks in Exams †

Crazy and Creative Cheating Tricks in Exams Many students use a bunch of cheating tricks in exams. It may look a wrong deal, but it helps students gaining high academic results. Students prefer numerous exam cheating techniques. Many ways of cheating in an exam are quite common. Those scholars, who know how important their study results can be for their further academic success, try plenty of creative and exceptional techniques. Cheating is a challenge. It requires good preparation and advanced skills. Beginners use this chance to skip learning process and get great results no matter of time spent on education. Many clever learners generate creative unparalleled ideas. They tend to develop amazing ways of double-dealing at school or college. Creative Exam Cheating Techniques Modern students know countless remarkable cheating tricks in exams. Their exam cheating techniques are impressive and unparalleled. A trick with a water bottle is probably one of the most popular ways of school exams double-dealing. It is easy to cheat and not be caught. You should simply write test answers on the backside of bottle’s label. You may write down all answers, comments, and solutions to your paper by simply watching at the bottle you put on your desk and copying them. Just read your prepared notes. Lettering small notes on fingernails remains  best way to cheat in exam used mostly by school and college girls. You can use pen or pencil writing. It is a challenge. Writing answers at nails and staying able to read these tiny records remains thought-provoking method. Keep your fingers away from teachers! Inside ridge of your hat is a good place to site questions. You can wear a baseball cap on your head, and people may never notice its hidden side. Cover your head with clever thoughts written! Stay away from this duplicitous way, if you have not used wearing baseball or other hats to school on the everyday basis because it looks suspicious. If you know the exact place where the examination will be held, make sure to visit this control place beforehand. It may give you time for preparation. Writing answers on the desk will be a solution. Desk modifications at classroom will allow leaving answers and solutions to the most difficult questions or at least one single question. Writing your tests solutions at your thighs and knees can be effective if you adore wearing skirts. It is rather girls’ mission. It is a won strategy. Do not distract your classmates once looking at your prepared notes or you may grab an attention of your teacher. Modern Inventive Cheating Techniques Modern methods of double-dealing provide students with a chance to keep tiny notes and read answers secretly. Hide your small notes carefully. Act always naturally. You know all advanced modern secret methods, and each of ways of cheating in an exam is not familiar to your professor. It will work if you follow instructions. The known Kleenex notebook is a chance for a student. This technique allows hiding solutions written at Kleenex napkin, which you may take of your purse or backpack when coughing or sneezing. Do not reach it repeatedly. Take a piece of paper and print some answers and information you may bring to bear during your school examination. Use clear tape to put solutions. Stick it on your hand or clothes. Be aware to get rid of evidence once you have written your theory test answers and fulfilled your sheet. It is easy to cover notes with your sleeves. Hope people will miss noticing your special method. Searching for the best ways of cheating in an exam, you can find a bunch of unparalleled decisions. Impressions are hard, but effective method. If you know your teacher will give you a piece of scratch white paper, then turn to the following flimflam. Carve your answers, comments, and views on a piece of paper, but put one underneath to get clear impressions. You may do it easily. It is a perfect way to hide solutions. When looking at the black paper, people will never discover you look at responses by checking typed impressions. Using sunglasses is effective. Glasses used as a mirror allow catching reflections and seeing solutions written by your classmate, who sits next to you. It is a long process that requires lots of skills. Face a simple fact that every flimflam, fake action, and a double-dealing procedure is risky matter. How to Follow Cheating Tricks and Methods Using a calculator to deal with math issues is not a prodigious example of successful academic scheme. You will feel less confident with such actions. To stay invisible with own advanced double-dealing methods, every student needs to learn many schemes and practice them before scheduled theory test. This is the easiest part. Dealing with real situation, when you need to use all your double-dealing skills and patterns is much more difficult. To guarantee unnoticed and successful dissimulation at a test, keep following the next pieces of  advice: Never use an eraser. It is impractical and excessively obvious using stuff. Keep away from bringing out your secret notes immediately after the start of school, college or university examination. It will not look well staring at familiar items. Remember to add tiny notes to your clothes. Write solutions at your baseball hat, sweater sleeves or another piece of clothes you wear to school. Write down responses on turn side of a paper, avoid front.   Impressions are more beneficial than obvious follow-ups, tiny notes, and copies because they are visible on a blank paper sheet. Read special articles about school and college double-dealing. Subscribe to get the most innovative and creative ways of school manipulates by adding your mail address to a CENSUS and Nces.Ed.Gov list of subscribers. Be always aware of light advanced false wiles. Remember to turn to effective advanced manipulating techniques and modern double-dealing wiles that bring positive outcomes. Avoid using unpractical methods. Every your decision needs to be assured by successful previous usage of the way practiced. Successful ways of cheating are always characterized by following features: Clearness; Convenience; Easiness; Effectiveness; Efficiency. Generating new actions and methods is useful. When a teacher has no idea what you are planning, you can easily false him and get a high grade without proper study hours. Keep aware of professor’s attention. Teachers may look bored, indifferent or tired, but they are still keeping checking on you. Students may be clever. Teachers have enough own manipulating things. Many modern ways of manipulating with results are unserviceable if you cannot deal with your anxiousness and worriedness during important final test. Get rid of your fear. You can win this battle. Staying aware of a bunch of modern cheating techniques is beneficial for those students, who have no time or desire to study. Dealing with school, college or university theory tests is a challenge. When trying to skip study process, learners need to show unparalleled creative skills aimed at solving question papers easily without proper knowledge. It is a personal contest. Sometimes, it is easier to learn all materials and theory to pass a final test than creating numerous efficient fraudulent practices. Take your time to choose your way! Our list of inventive cheating tricks will help you anyway if you only follow instructions provided. Get your highest grades easily with our operational tips!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Idustrialize America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Idustrialize America - Essay Example Unfortunately his efforts did not prevail, the power was once again given to the Army and there was even a period that followed in which the Democrats regained the impetus, re-enacting laws that revived the era of slavery for these newly freed men and women. Lynching and race riots were rampant in some States, and the Redeemer Government and Klu Klux Klan were determined to re-establish white supremacy. It seemed that all the efforts of the Reconstruction had been for nothing. Notwithstanding that they had just been through a harsh and debilitating war, President’s Abraham Lincoln wanted to be magnanimous towards the South. In December 1863, he placed the idea that a State could be integrated into the Union if 10 percent of the population count under 1860’s census supported emancipation. Tennessee, Louisiana and Arkansas were won over by the Union through Lincoln’s Ten Percent Plan. However this compromise did not sit well with the diehard Republicans, nor some in Lincoln’s own party who feared that it would once again undermine the cause of emancipation by bringing economic slavery to blacks on white owned cotton ginning farms. The mood of the South was rebellious and unrepentant. They sought to regain control of the situation, and could not bear to see blacks getting education, voting rights and freedom. On his part, President Andrew Jackson who took up the reins of Government following Lincoln’s death tried his best to follow the former’s lenient policies for the collective benefit of all. He appointed new Governors in 1865. Unfortunately his efforts did not meet with success and were spurned by the diehard Republicans. They challenged and undermined his efforts, rejected his nominations from the South and eventually managed to oust his Government in 1865-66 after success in the 1866 Congressional elections. They managed to regain control of Congress in

Friday, October 18, 2019

Part A Analyse the leadership and followership styles found in the Essay

Part A Analyse the leadership and followership styles found in the animated film The Lion King, produced by Walt Disney in 1994 - Essay Example Furthermore, the focus of the paper is to evaluate the leadership style in accordance to the followership style. This will help in understanding the leadership style and the implications which is impossible without the support of the followers. It will not be incorrect to note that the leadership styles are evident in the movie Lion King in different characters. The characters that have shown the leadership styles include Mufasa, Simba, and Scar while followership styles are evident from hyenas (the outsiders), Timon and Pumbaa. Before examining the leadership traits within the context of different characters of Lion King, it is imperative that the sources of leadership and meaning are clearly understood. In simpler and precis manner, leadership can be defined as a power to bring about changes or selecting the flow of the beliefs of followers. Power or leadership cannot be achieved without having the traits which it takes to undergo change and bring motivation for the employees1. The re are typically five sources of the power which are evident in the movie Lion King as well. As per the theory presented by French and Raven, a leader is able to provide reward to its employees. This is merely to provide a token of value to the followers by the leaders2. This aspect is visible from the movie Lion King through the depiction of Scar’s character (Where Scar is a brother of Mufasa). ... The significance behind reward is because it motivates the followers. It has also been noted in many instances of the movie that as soon as Scar becomes the leader, he stopped providing reward to his followers. The aspect of reward is further explained in terms of types. The two types of rewards would be coercive and reward power. In the first type, the leaders are actually looked upon as someone who has settled the standards for the followers where they can be provided with a reward4. On the other hand, the second type coercive gives an idea that it depends upon a leader to settle punishments. In the context of the movie, this is evident from the context of Scar’s character where he promised his followers hyenas to provide them with food and reward them and if they will not follow Scar then they will be put to death ultimately. This shows that Scar has made use of the coercive power in order to dictate the hyenas. Talking about the followership styles, the movie has projected Timon and Pumbaa as the best followership supporting leadership. The character of Simba in particular has been projected with Timon and Pumbaa throughout the movie. In this case, it should be noted that Timon and Pumbaa have shown themselves to be reliant, energetic and intellectual followers. As an example, Timon and Pumbaa go to the Pride Rock with Simba because they knew that was more significant then living the ways they have been in the forest. This concludes that a leadership process is a two way in nature i.e. the followers can help the leaders become successful in their approach5. Also to note is the fact that Timon and Pumbaa show no vying for attaining leadership which means that they have been extremely

Relationship of Police Department Size to Quality of Police Services Term Paper

Relationship of Police Department Size to Quality of Police Services (US) - Term Paper Example e capabilities of the police force to efficiently and timely monitor, detect and prevent the unlawful activities in order to maintain the rule of law (Cordner, et al, p54). The main functions of police include the protection of the life and property of the civilians, maintenance of law and order, enforcement of the criminal law, to conduct criminal investigation, to control the crowd and to perform various other duties to assure public safety. (Brudeur, et al, 1992) The successful performance of all these duties requires proper management, resource allocation, training as well as the appropriate ratio of police force to the area population. The quality of the police service tends to be affected from the size of police force because if the numbers of policemen are insufficient to cover the designated area, there is always a possibility that the police force would not be able to perform their duties in effective manner. The research paper aims to investigate the relationship between the size of the police department to the quality of police services in United States. In this regard, the paper identifies the main qualities that affirm the effectiveness of the policing services. The paper also provides an overview to the structure and organization of police in United States and proceeds to analyze the relationship of the size of the police department with its service quality. It is revealed that along with appropriate size, there are number of other factors that could affect the quality of police service like proper training of policemen, management and organization of police structure and use of latest investigative technologies. The essay compares the Los Angeles city police department with New York City Police department in order to identify the relationship between the service quality of the police and department size. The case of Hurricane Katrina is also described as an example that illustrates the effects of having lesser police force to control more area and

AnimeMethod and Meaning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

AnimeMethod and Meaning - Essay Example The substance of this prose will analyze the production and narrative of the anime in light of eminent feature Anime films and series. One of the greatest treasures in the world of Japanese anime is Studio Ghibli and their master creator, Hayao Miyazaki. His anime like spirited away, Nausicaa of the valley of the wind and Mononoke Hime are one of the great anime features that define almost every individual’s childhood. These anime consisted of fantastic animation, with vibrant color schemes and used computer graphics. Studio Ghibli even defied some of the norms set by their very own animation industry. The characters in Studio Ghibli anime had proportionate eyes as opposed to the extremely over-sized eyes in other mainstream anime and also the hair color of the characters was close to what was natural unless the character had a supernatural origin. The end result was that the animation style was smooth and had a very intense, life-like feel to it. One of the most recurring sub -genres in almost all of Miyazaki anime was the concept of steampunk. Steampunk is a cinematic concept that shows the use of steam-powered machines rather than the use of sophisticated technology. For Miyazaki, the use of Steampunk was meant to juxtapose east with west and man with nature, because steam power is generated using coal that is extracted from the earth. Moreover, it is a viable method of creating machinery but there are alternate power sources as well that the West had come up with and the anime tried to explore the aspect of Japan trying to catch up with their western counterparts. (Shaner 2011) All three of the aforementioned anime went on to gain critical acclaim, but it was not the production style that caught the audience’s but it was the amazing storyline that went with it. All three of these anime were metaphors for some important events and controversies that had grabbed the entire world. Mononoke Hime is about a girl Mononoke raised by wolves who fights to protect the forest, and another sub-plot involves Prince Ashitaka, who has been poisoned by possessed boar and then sets out to save the spirit of nature. The film was ranked high because of its deep message regarding environment preservation and has taken inspiration from many historical incidents. Most notably, the anime feature hits upon the use of Atomic bomb and other destructive weapons that not only destroy life but the world we live in as well. Moreover, the movie was also a metaphorical representation of the struggle by the Japanese government to have a more balanced approach for the environment and rapid modernization. The event gained media attention after the announcement regarding the construction of Narita Airport. There was a huge furor particularly from the agricultural sector and the farmer, who strongly opposed the construction project. (Selin & Kalland 2003, 178) Naturally, the biggest concern for the people and activists was the environment and even though, th e government had suppressed all sorts of rebellion from the farmers but the activists did try to sabotage the project all throughout the 70’s (Selin & kalland 2003, 178). Therefore, Princess Mononoke was a loose adaptation of the events that transpired during the 70’s and the forest creatures, and the titular character and Prince Ashitaka represented the farmers and activists

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Human Population Ecology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Human Population Ecology - Essay Example As a population increase the resources become scarce. Therefore the alterations in number of births and deaths also decelerate. The human population has been growing persistently since the 1650, finally reaching a figure of 6 billion by late 1999 and 6.3 billion by 2003. Now whether this growth will continue consistently depends on ecological aspects. While ecologists might in certain circumstances feel that growth in human population might stop, in other cases they suggest that there is no permanent reason to restrain the growth. A rapid growth is supposed to have taken place owing to factors like a fast decline in death rate, modern techniques and processes of sanitation, an enhancement if growth of food facilities and distribution, improved medical care facilities and with time the improved living standards and higher level of income led the decline in birth rate to come to terms with death rate. In different European nations in 2003 the growth in human population has become negat ive or zero. As per the â€Å"medium variant forecast† of United Nations, a growth of zero percent is predicted for 2100. At that point of time, around 11 billion is the target population to be achieved. The population of the world reached one billion in 1850, two billion in another 100 years and 6.3 billion in 2003. As per Lomborg 60 percent of this growth would be skewed towards 12 nations. The regions outside Asian and African countries might not undergo the problems with population density. The population growth is highest in Asia where the zenith was achieved during 1989-91 with an addition of around 58 million births every year. The population growth has decreased gradually to 0.013 in 20032. Each individual contributes another individual to the population, which can be called the per capita rate of increase. According to the ‘Essentials of Ecology’ population growth follows an ‘Exponential Growth Model’. The rate of per capita increase in the population can also

Engl week 3 forum Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Engl week 3 forum - Assignment Example As such they should do their best to deliver something that would appeal to the public. The writer should prepare just enough contents for his or her audience and not bore them with unimportant introductions or basics. The audience should also see that your article is useful and matters to them. Writing an article with a clear purpose makes it attractive to read. The audience targeted should feel that the article addresses a particular issue in their lives. The article should focus on specific topics and not be general or vague (Annemare, 127). If the issues of the audience and purpose are not addressed, several problems may arise. If the audience is not considered, age groups may be offended or even problems of gender sensitivity may arise. If the purpose of an article is not considered, the article will not be resourceful to the audience. Purpose gives an article meaning and resourcefulness (Annemare, 197). Once I read an article on fashion that did not seem to describe a difference between the dressing of teenagers and adults. I bet anyone who went through the article could not find good advice on dress code since it did not specify how different age groups should

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Human Population Ecology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Human Population Ecology - Essay Example As a population increase the resources become scarce. Therefore the alterations in number of births and deaths also decelerate. The human population has been growing persistently since the 1650, finally reaching a figure of 6 billion by late 1999 and 6.3 billion by 2003. Now whether this growth will continue consistently depends on ecological aspects. While ecologists might in certain circumstances feel that growth in human population might stop, in other cases they suggest that there is no permanent reason to restrain the growth. A rapid growth is supposed to have taken place owing to factors like a fast decline in death rate, modern techniques and processes of sanitation, an enhancement if growth of food facilities and distribution, improved medical care facilities and with time the improved living standards and higher level of income led the decline in birth rate to come to terms with death rate. In different European nations in 2003 the growth in human population has become negat ive or zero. As per the â€Å"medium variant forecast† of United Nations, a growth of zero percent is predicted for 2100. At that point of time, around 11 billion is the target population to be achieved. The population of the world reached one billion in 1850, two billion in another 100 years and 6.3 billion in 2003. As per Lomborg 60 percent of this growth would be skewed towards 12 nations. The regions outside Asian and African countries might not undergo the problems with population density. The population growth is highest in Asia where the zenith was achieved during 1989-91 with an addition of around 58 million births every year. The population growth has decreased gradually to 0.013 in 20032. Each individual contributes another individual to the population, which can be called the per capita rate of increase. According to the ‘Essentials of Ecology’ population growth follows an ‘Exponential Growth Model’. The rate of per capita increase in the population can also

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Marketing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Marketing - Research Paper Example Global challenge 1 One of the challenges that an organization is most likely to face in developing and launching its products in the international market is its management efficiency with respect to the production process. This challenge was particularly identified in the development of Hexopater. Management of the production process of a product, whether a locally marketed product or one that targets the international market, has many impacts on the quality of the product to be produced as well as the reliability in the continuous flow of the product into its market. An effective management of a production process begins with development of aims of the production as well as the features of the product, a stage that is crucial and defines the destiny of the product. Inability to develop focused goals that can yield a successful production as well as failure to identify captivating features that will attract customers therefore forms a significant challenge to product launch in the gl obal market. This is because a challenged set of development goals, coupled with poor specification may lead to poor standards that may not be acceptable for clearance across borders (Kumar and Addie, 2006). ... This is because the human resource competence level is reflected in the production process, quality and the image that consumers and even regulatory bodies develop over a product. The overall plan of the production process as well as sales initiatives also determines the extent of challenges that a product can experience in penetrating an international market. Management of the production process is therefore a significant challenge in any product development as it applied to Hexopater (Kumar and Addie, 2006). Global challenge 2 Another challenge facing development of products in global markets is the level of regulations that are instituted by different territories. Though most regulatory measures are meant to check on safety of products to be allowed from other economies, some regulatory measures are done on economic grounds. The impact however remains the same, that regulations undermines the ability to develop and market a product in the international market. An example of such r egulation is the European union’s move to regulate â€Å"tissue related products† (Dodin, 2010, p. 1). This particular regulatory initiative was meant to harmonize laws in the region and to ensure that the developments in scientific processes are monitored and regulated effectively. While the regulations ensured common application of rules in the region, it influenced original regulations in each countries in either way. It either lowered standards for the countries that were highly regulated and raised standards for countries that were poorly regulated. The greatest challenge to new product development in the region would therefore be significant in the countries that were previously less strictly regulated. A firm

Monday, October 14, 2019

Isolation, Cloning, and Translation of Plasmid DNA

Isolation, Cloning, and Translation of Plasmid DNA Abstract: The objective of this experiment was to clone a kanamycin gene into the MCS of a pUC18 plasmid, and then to transform cells with the plasmids. Purified pUC18 and pKan plasmid samples were obtained. A 0.7 % agarose gel was prepared, and the wells loaded with the plasmid samples. Restriction endonucleases were used to cut a kanamycin resistance gene from a pKan plasmid. DNA ligases were used to ligate the kanamycin resistance gene on to the multiple cloning site of the pUC18 plasmid. Escherichia coli (strain DH5ÃŽÂ ±) were then transformed with plasmids. The presence of the kanamycin resistance gene in the pUC18 was determined using the indirect (pUC18 selection) and direct selection methods. The results from the gel image were inadequate. Zero colony counts were recorded on the kanamycin plates for the indirect selection method. Zero colony counts were recorded on the kanamycin/ carbenicillin plate for the direct selection method. In Conclusion it can be said that although the kana mycin gene should have been inserted into the pUC18 plasmid, the results from both selection methods indicate that it wasnt. Introduction: DNA cloning is a process in which a certain piece of DNA is replicated several times [1]. This process in essence involves isolating the gene or DNA fragment of interest, and transferring it to another molecular of DNA [1]. In order for the cloning process to begin, the DNA of interest has to be cut at precise locations [1]. Specific endonucleases are used for this process. After which a small molecule of DNA is chosen, that has restriction sites that are complementary to the DNA of interest and is capable of self-replication [1]. These small molecules of DNA are called cloning vectors (phages, plasmids, Yeast Artificial Chromosomes, or Bacterial Artificial Chromosomes can be used) [1]. The two pieces of DNAs (the vector and DNA of interest) can be joined together by using a DNA ligase [1]. The newly formed composite DNA molecule is called a recombinant DNA [1]. The recombinant DNA can then be introduced into a host cell by a process of transformation [1]. Once transformed multiple c opies of the host cell can be produced, and in doing so multiple copies of the DNA are also produced [1]. Bacterial DNA can carry genes for antibiotic resistance [2]. The antibiotic resistance gene can either be on the chromosomes or on other external chromosomal pieces of DNA (e.g. plasmids) [2]. The pUC18 is a cloning vector plasmid that contains an ampicillin resistance gene [2]. On the other hand the pKan plasmid contains a kanamycin resistance gene [2]. The pUC18 plasmids are extremely useful for transformation with an Escherichia coli host cell [2]. The pUC18 plasmid consist of an origin of DNA replication, pBR322 derived ampicillin resistance gene, and a lacZ gene of E.coli [2]. The lacZ gene is part of something called the lac operon [1]. The lac operon in essence consists of the lacZ, lacY, and lacA genes [1]. The combination of the three genes allows the cell to utilize lactose [1]. When sufficient quantity of lactose is available, the cell is able to utilize the lactose by producing the enzyme beta-galactosidase [2]. pUC18s lacZ gene contains a collection of different restrict ion enzyme recognitions sites [2]. This site within the lacZ gene is called a Multiple Cloning Site (MCS). The MCS of the pUC18 plasmids can be recognized by a number of different enzymes; hence cuts can be made at various different places [2]. In gene cloning experiments, X-gal (5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl,-D-galactoside) is used to indicate the presence of the lacZ gene, and hence indicates whether or not a cell is producing the enzyme beta-galactosidase [2][3]. This indication is given by a blue coloration of the colonies growing on a medium containing X-gal [2]. Beta-galactosidase cleaves X-gal into D-galactoside and 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indole [3]. The actual presence of 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indole is what causes the colonies to true blue [3]. The pKan plasmid contains the kanamycin resistance gene. In this experiment the kanamycin resistance of the pKan plasmid will be cloned into the MCS of the pUC18 plasmid [2]. This new recombinant DNA will then be transformed into an E.coli strain DH5ÃŽÂ ± host cell [2]. A brief overview of the isolation, cloning and transformation processes are given above [2]. This process in the end will yield an E. coli strain that is resistance to both ampicillin and kanamycin [2]. As mentioned earlier, the multiple cloning sites (MCS) of the pUC18 plasmid is located with its lacZ gene [2]. This means that when the kanamycin resistance gene is inserted into the multiple cloning sites, the lacZ gene is disturbed [2]. This alters the production of beta-galactosidase [2]. Hence the E.coli cells are not able to utilize X-gal on a growth media, producing white colonies instead of blue [2]. The presence of white colonies can be used as an indication for insertion of the kanamycin gene in pUC18 plasm id [2]. A kanamycin/ampicillin selective media can also be used to make sure that the pUC18 plasmid has the kanamycin gene inserted into it [2]. In summary the main objectives of this experiment is to clone a kanamycin gene into the MCS of a pUC18 plasmid, and then to transforms a cell with the plasmids. The hypothesis is that a kanamycin resistance gene will be inserted onto the MCS of the pUC18 plasmid, and as a result the cells will be resistant to both antibiotics. Materials and Methods: The following materials and methods are taken from: Hausner, M., Jong, M. (2010). Experiments in Biotechnology (BLG888 ed.). Toronto: Ryerson University. Pg 7-19 Materials: Bacterial plasmids, restriction enzymes, solutions and media used: Overnight cultures of DH5ÃŽÂ ±/ pUC18 and MM294/pKan (5x10mL) were used. DNA solution kit that was used consist of solution 1 (glucose/Tris/EDTA to which lysozymes were added), solution 2 (SDS/NaOH), and solution 3 (KOAc). Enzymes RNAase (5mg/ml) and DNA ligase were used. Isopropanol and ethanol were used. TE buffer used contained 10Mm TRIS and 0.1 mM EDTA. Tris borate buffer that was used contained (TBE)(1X)10.8g Tris, 5.5g Boric acid, 10 mM EDTA, and up to 1000 ml distilled water. DNA loading dye and Ethidium bromide solution were used. The plasmids pUC18 and pKan were used. The restriction enzymes that were used were BamHI (Bacillus amyloliquefaciens H.) and HinDIII (isolated from Haemophilus influenza). 5M ammonium acetate was used. Phenol:chloroform:isoamyl was used. 50mM EDTA was used. 5 x ligation and restriction buffers were used. TE buffer that was used contained 10Mm Tris, 0.1 Mm EDTA. Cell culture of E. coli strain DH5ÃŽÂ ± was used. 50 ml of LB broth and 3 sterile saline tubes. 2 LB plates, 8 LB + carbenicillin (carb), and 3 LB + carbenicillin (carb) + kanamycin (kan) plates were used. X-gal solution was used. 1 plate of LB+ kanamycin (kan). Methods: Preparation of the plasmid DNA: pUC18 and pKan plasmid were prepared over a period of three days (three weeks). Two centrifuge tubes with the culture sample were centrifuged for 10 minutes and supernatant discarded. 100Â µl of solution 1 was added followed by 10Â µl of RNase. After 20 minutes solution 2 was added. Five minutes later ice cold solution 3 was added, which was centrifuged 10 minutes later for 10 minutes. 400Â µl of the supernatant was extracted to a clean tube, to which 400Â µl of isopropanol was then added and was left for 30 minutes at -20oC. The DNA sample was then centrifuged and the pellet speed vac. The dry pellet was re-suspended in 20Â µl of TE buffer. A gel was prepared with accordance to steps in the lab manual. The DNA samples were then loaded on to the wells and the electrophoresis apparatus ran. The gel images were taken to see presence of the pUC18 and pKan plasmids. Endonuclease restriction digestion of the plasmids and ligation of the kanamycin fragment to pUC18: Two centrifuge tubes were prepared from 10Â µl of pUC18 and 10Â µl of pKan plasmids. To each tube restriction buffers, restriction enzymes and sterile water were added (refer to the lab manual for details). The prepared tubes were centrifuged and left in a water bath. 5Â µl of EDTA was added to each tube. 100Â µl of TE buffer and Phenol:chloroform:isoamyl were added. The tubes were then pulse centrifuged and top layer remove and transferred to new tubes (A1 and B1). 100Â µl of Phenol:chloroform:isoamyl was added, top layer removed and transferred to new tubes again (A2 and B2). Ammonium acetate and ethanol were added to tubes A2 and B2. The tubes were centrifuged, supernatant discarded, pellet speed vacuumed, and finally re-suspended in TE buffer. Tube C and D were prepared with accordance to the lab manual. The new tubes were then centrifuged and incubated. Transformation of an ampicillin sensitive E.coli Strain: The first five steps to prepare the cell culture of DH5ÃŽÂ ± for transformation were done by the lab staff. Details on the steps can be found in the lab manual. Four centrifuge tubes were prepared. Tube 1 contained uncut DNA plasmids, tube 2 contained DNA sample from tube C, tube 3 contained DNA sample from tube D, and tube 4 contained sterile water. The pre-prepared cells were then added to the tubes and heat shocked. LB broth was added to each tube and incubated for 20 minutes. X gal was spread evenly on the 8 LB+ carb plates. 100Â µl from tubes 1, 2, and 4 were spread on 3 of the LB+carb+X-gal plates. 100Â µl from tube three was then plated on the remaining five LB+carb+X-gal plates. Tube 3 was also plated on to 3 LB+carb+kan plate. A dilution series (using 0.1Â µl from the previous) was prepared from tube 3 using 3 sterile saline tubes. 10 Â µl from dilution 2 and 100 Â µl from dilution 3 were spread plated onto 2 LB plates. Colonies from each plate were counted. Blue and white colonies from tube 3 plates were then streaked on to a LB+Kan plate. Results from the LB+Kan plates were then recorded. Additional details can be found in the lab manual: Hausner, M., Jong, M. (2010). Experiments in Biotechnology (BLG888 ed.). Toronto: Ryerson University Results: Figure 1: 0.7 % agarose gel digest showing the presence of the pUC18 and pKan plasmids. Lane 3 and 2 were used by Abbas and Jamie. The figure above shows the 0.7% agarose gel image showing the presence of pUC18 and pKan plasmids. If banes appeared in the respective lanes, the plasmid samples would be used in the next part of the experiment. The image above shows bands appearing for lane 3 (pKan), but none for lane 2 (pUC18). This indicates the presence of the pKan plasmid but absences of the pUC18 plasmid. Hence due to inadequate results, additional plasmid sample were prepared by the lab staff. In total results from all 14 plates were recorded. Indirect Method: Table 1: Results for colony counts for the indirect (pUC18) selection method on LB+ carb+ X-gal plates Plate 1 Plate 2 Plate 3 Plate 4 Plate 5 Tube 1 TMTC-Blue N/A Tube 2 5-Blue Tube 4 0 Tube 3 40 Blue/ 5 White 55 Blue/ 15 White 79 Blue/ 22 White 65 Blue/ 3 White 54 Blue/ 12 White The results for tube 1, 2, 3, and 4 plated on the 8 LB+ carb+ X-gal plates are shown above. Tube 1 contained an uncut plasmid which explained the high number of colonies for plate 1. Tube 2 contained a cut pUC18 plasmid, which can be explained by only 5 colonies. Tube 4 contained only sterile water; hence zero colonies appeared on the plates. Tube 3 was plated on 5 plates, showing an average of 59 blue colonies and 11 white colonies. Direct Method: No colonies were obtained from the three plates of LB + carb + kan plates. Competent Cell and Percentage Transformation Calculation: The dilution series was prepared from tube 3, as indicated in the materials and methods section. Dilution 2 had a 100 colonies and dilution 3 had 30 colonies. The CFU (colony forming unit) calculations and values are shown below. CFU = (# of colonies) x (dilution factor) / (volume plated) CFU for dilution 2 = 100 x 104/ 0.1 = 10000000 cells/ml CFU for dilution 3 cant be calculated because it doesnt fall between the 30-300 colony limit. Table 2: Percentage transformation of colonies using competent cells (CFU) Plate 1 Plate 2 Plate 3 Plate 4 Plate 5 Average Percentage Transformation For total colonies (%) (45) 0.0045 (70) 0.007 (101) 0.0101 (68) 0.0068 (66) 0.0066 (70) 0.0070 In order to calculate percentage transformation, calculations from CFU are need. Percentage transformation can be calculated using the total colonies (i.e.. plate 1: 40 blue+5 white =45 total). Percentage Transformation = (Transformed cells per ml /competent cells (CFU) )x 100% So for example for the average of 70 total colonies; =0.007% Discussion: As mentioned in the result section the agarose gel image was inadequate. Lane 2 and 3 in figure 1 represent the pUC18 and pKan plasmids respectively. Clear bands were seen for the pKan plasmid however this is not the case for the pUC18 plasmid. In order for the plasmids to show up, they had to be extracted from their respective E. coli strains(pUC18 (DH5ÃŽÂ ±) and pKan (MM294). The presence of bands on the pKan lane proves that there is actual extraction from the cells. The presence of multiple bands could indicate the presence of multiple size plasmids of pKan. The fact that no bands were seen for pUC18 could be as a consequence of inadequate extraction from the E. coli cells (DH5ÃŽÂ ±). Experimental procedural error could have resulted in this. Both strains of microbes would have been genetically engineered to only contain the plasmid of interest; hence the risk of contamination is reduced. The selection methods for the experiments were divided into indirect (pUC18 selection) and direct selection methods. As mentioned in the materials and method section, cells from tube 1 were streaked on to a plate. The cells were transformed with undigested pUC18 plasmids. The colonies were too many to count and were all blue. The high number of colonies could simply occur because of the stable natural of the undigested pUC18 plasmid. The undigested pUC18 plasmids contain an uninterrupted lacZ gene, capable of producing beta-galactosidase. Beta-galactosidase is hence able to utilize X-gal on the plates and produce the large number of blue colonies. Since the cells were carbenicillin resistance (due to the pUC18 plasmids), they were able to grow on the plates. Cells were transformed with digested pUC18 plasmids from tube 2. Cells from tube 2 formed too few colonies (only 5) when compared to tube 1 (TMTC). This is due to the unstable nature of the digested pUC18 plasmids. These plasmids were digested with HinDIII and BamHI, and it possible that not all of them had an opportunity to re-ligate properly. The restriction enzymes could have cut up the lacZ gene or the carbenicillin (ampicillin) gene making it difficult for the plasmid to come back to its original conformation and survive on the X-gal+carb plate. A large majority of the pUC18 could have been cut in to smaller fragments rendering then inactive. Tube 3 initially contained the digested pUC18 and pKan plasmids. Cells were then transformed with the content of this tube. Since the transformation process is not perfect, there is no way to know what plasmid the cell took up. Hence it can be assumed that cells were transformed with either only the pUC18 plasmids, the pUC18 plasmids with the kanamycin gene, pKan and Puc18 or in some case only the pKan plasmid. Five plates were spread plated with these cells and presence of blue and white colonies were noted. As the results indicate a mixture of both blue and white colonies were obtained with an average of about 59 blue colonies and 11 white colonies. Blue colonies would hypothe tically contain cells (plasmids) with an intact lacZ (producing beta-galactosidase) gene justifying the blue color. The white colonies would have there lacZ gene disturbed (not producing beta-galactosidase), because another piece of DNA would have been inserted into the MCS. However the production of white colonies doesnt dictate the insertion of the kanamycin gene into the pUC18 plasmids. It is highly possible that another gene or DNA fragments from the pKan plasmid got inserted in the pUC18 plasmids. Confirmation of this was performed by streaking white colonies onto a kanamycin plate. The fact that no colonies grew, indicated that the kanamycin gene was in fact not inserted. This proves that the results are false positive because white colonies appeared on the X gal plates, but didnt on the kanamycin plates. This means that the white colonies werent transformed with what we wanted. Finally it is noted that when tube 4 was streaked on to a plate, no growth occurred. This seems log ical as the cells in this tube were only transformed with sterile water, which means no plasmids were present. The cells would not have contained plasmids with the carbenicillin resistance gene, and hence did not survive on the carbenicillin plates. The direct method results were recorded from the LB + carb + kan plates. No growth was observed in any of the plate, which proved to be highly contradictory to our hypothesis. Presence of white colonies on the indirect method plates but none on the direct method plates was suprising. White colonies were assumed to have pUC18 plasmids with both kanamycin and carbenicillin resistance genes. Hence its inability to grow on the carb + kan plates was surprising because white colonies grew on the X-gal plates. However as mentioned earlier it could be possible that another fragment of DNA was inserted into MCS besides the kanamycin gene. The fact that white colonies also didnt appear when they were streaked on to a kanamycin plate, ties in with these results. Both direct and indirect methods have their own advantages and disadvantages. Indirect method involves multiple steps and hence in many cases can be time consuming. More plates are involved in the indirect methods, making it difficult to keep track sometimes, also adding to cost. However the indirect method helps to indentify the false positive/false negative results. The indirect selection method helps to make a comparison between the cut and uncut pUC18 plasmids. Comparison of the colonies shows the effect of restriction enzymes of the activity of the pUC18 plasmids. Moreover the indirect method is much more selective. This is because it first shows which colonies have an insertion in the multiple cloning site through the blue/white screening method. Then the plating of these white colonies on to a kanamycin plate helps to confirm that it was a kanamycin resistance gene that was actually inserted (on the MCS). The direct method is very concise involving only one plate, which save b oth time and money. This selection method has no chance of giving false negative/false positive results. The direct selection method selects for cells that have been transformed with pUC18 plasmids, and have a kanamycin resistance gene in their MCS. Since the pUC18 plasmid already has an ampicillin resistance gene (carbenicillin in this case), the insertion of kanamycin resistance gene allows it to survive on a LB+carb+kan plate. A problem comes when the plasmids dont have the necessary gene inserted in their MCS. So in this case for example it could be possible that the plasmid doesnt contain the kanamycin gene so the kanamycin antibody kills it, even though the carbenicillin resistance gene is there. Another technicality comes when a cell transformed contains both pUC18 and pKan at the same time. Because this selection method only selects for cells that have both carbenicillin and kanamycin resistance, it is difficult to tell whether the cell selected has both plasmids (pUC18 and pKan) or only a pUC18 (with the kanamycin gene). Therefore although more time consuming the indirect method is more useful. Some of the experimental errors that occurred could have been due to improper spreading techniques. The process of cell transformation that was used was through heat shock. It could be possible to use other cell transformation technique such as electroporation. In Conclusion it can be said that although the kanamycin gene should have been inserted into the pUC18 plasmid, the results indicate that it wasnt.